Monday, 7 April 2014

Meal Plan Monday - Cook Once for the Week

It's the Easter Holidays and about time.  Both boys are worn out and quite frankly that is wearing me out.  

So, tactics are required here.  Dinners (lunches) are always a bit of a hit and miss thing.  Some are planned and healthy, some are made by themselves as a cooking activity and others are thrown together and eaten like we're cavemen.

I will not be chained to the kitchen for this holiday and I do aim to leave it at sometime.  I'm adopting the Once a Month Mom tactic.  (prepping as many meals as possible and spending one full day cooking)

Here's the meals:

Monday:   Chicken Dinner 

Tuesday:  Sloppy Joes and Potato Wedges

Wednesday:  Chicken and Veg Pasta Bake

Thursday:  Turkey Tikka Massala

Friday:  Gluten Free Chilli Tacos

And here's how I'll do It

Monday:  Cook 2 Chickens and double veg  refrigerate leftovers
                Make Cheese Sauce and refrigerate
                Cook Sloppy Joes in Slow Cooker and refrigerate
                Bake 4 potatoes and refrigerate
                Mix up Turkey Tikka Massala Raw in a Freezer Bag and freeze
                Cook big batch of Gluten Free Chilli on hob then freeze

Tuesday:  Warm up sloppy joe mix, Cut wedges, sprinkle with seasoning and bake, toast buns, fill with sloppy joe mix and serve

Wednesday:  Warm up cheese sauce to loosen up.  Put extra chicken and left over veg in pasta bake dish, pour over cheese sauce, pour over water until loose consistency and stir well.  Take out 20 mins in and stir.  Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and cook until hot.
                Take the Turkey Tikka Massala from the Freezer

Thursday: Cook the Turkey Tikka Massala

                Take the Chilli out of the freezer

Friday:  Heat through the chilli and serve in tacos with loads of accompaniments

What do you think?  Sounds easy?  I'll report back next week how it goes (fingers crossed!)

There's loads more meal plans which are probably not so frantic over on I'm an Organising Junkie and this post is linked up to the huge Meal Plan Monday linky of fantastic meal plans.  Go look!!

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